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Shomrei Torah Coronavirus Updates


Dear Fellow Congregants,

I hope this email finds you and your families all happy, healthy and enjoying the summer! I am writing to inform you of our new Covid policy. After thoughtful consideration and discussion, the Board of Trustees has voted to change our most recent policy to mask optional. 

Our past policy was based on Passaic County infection rates, but as things have continued to change since the pandemic...Read more...


he Synagogue Board of Trustees, acting on a recommendation from our COVID committee, has eliminated the requirement of wearing face masks while in the Synagogue building. Of course anyone who so desires can continue wearing one, but now we are “Masks Optional.”

In addition the Board has eliminated the need to file with our office proof of vaccination. While we urge everybody who is eligible to get vaccinated, that no longer is...Read more...

Update to Shomrei Torah COVID Policy - January 2022

As you know  prior to the HHD this year we had replaced our online registration for services with a one-time upload of your vaccination card after which your name will be on a list and you will be welcome to attend in person Shabbat services without needing to preregister. 

 Now that a booster vaccine is available and with the rapid spread of the Omicron Covid variant, we are changing our definition of...Read more...

Important Update - December 23, 2021

Dear Shomrei Torah Community:

The health and wellbeing of our community remains our highest priority. To that end we have made some difficult decisions effective immediately thru at least Friday, January 7th. These decisions were made in response to the coincidence of the winter holidays and the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID.

Shabbat and Daily Services:
All services will be on Zoom only with no in-person...Read more...

December and COVID-19

Just a quick update as the coronavirus surges:

Here at Shomrei Torah we are completely virtual at this time All services, classes and meetings take place on zoom Our weekly email has all the links Including tomorrow night's virtual auction!

We will light the Hanukkah Menorah each night at 8pm in our evening minyan zoom, you can join us for minyan at 7:45 or just come at 8pm if you would like to light with others  The...Read more...

Congregational HH Planning Update Zoom Recording

Topic: Congregational HH Planning Update
Date: Aug 17, 2020 08:22 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Password: Y45%JXrr



High Holiday Plan Update

Although our building at 30 Hinchman Ave may be on temporary lockdown, Shomrei Torah remains open and continues to offer a full complement of worship, education and community activity through Zoom. As we develop our High Holiday plans, with Rosh Hashanah beginning Friday evening, September 18 on the secular calendar, we will build on our recent experience of providing warm and meaningful services. As Rabbi Mark has shown us, worship at a...Read more...

COVID-19 Together (Fri, Mar 27)

As we finish our second week with each of us in our homes, with the doors to our beloved Shomrei Torah shut, we seek ways to overcome our fears and to remain connected. In a remarkably short time we have launched ourselves into the world of virtual connections. Where we used to gather in the synagogue, we now gather in zoom chat rooms. We come together to pray, to learn and simply to check-in with one...Read more...

Streaming Seder

Please find below a letter from Rabbi Joshua Heller, chair of the CJLS rites and ritual subcommittee providing guidance for communities affected by COVID-19. Thanks to Rabbis Aaron Alexander, Pamela Barmash and Ashira Konigsburg for contributions. Please note that this is not an official responsum of the CJLS. 

In many communities, medical professionals advise or public authorities have mandated that...Read more...

Kashrut Subcommittee of the CJLS Recommendations for Passover 5780 in Light of COVID-19

Needless to say, this year’s Passover will offer new and particularly complicated challenges to the many observances associated with holiday. In this update, we will offer some guidance for those affected by COVID-19.

Though we are all experiencing the impact of COVID-19, different geographic areas differ in particular challenges, and often at different times. Our yearly Passover guide expresses the...Read more...

Fri, February 7 2025 9 Shevat 5785