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Getting Involved

Looking to get involved? Here are just a few ideas:

  • Fundraising!

  • Create and implement just one event or volunteer to chair a year-round committee. Programs and events - such as the Selichot program, Purim Shpiels, Shabbat Across America, Mitzvah Day, Leadership Program, the Sukkah Hop the Meshugeneh Maccabi Games, Israeli Day, and more - need a chairperson to organize, identify and hire appropriate entertainment, arrange for refreshments among other things and volunteers to help!

  • Sisterhood, Men's Club, PTO and Hazak are all in need of people to chair various programs and drives!

  • Many things need to be installed, repaired or refurbished (the arches/archway, the basement, the parking lot, lighting on the bema, etc.). We need an underground sprinkler system and new landscaping.

  • We need a Historian (someone to create and maintain scrapbooks for each year), someone to organize and maintain our library and book donations, help organizing a Handicap Accessibility Committee, a scholar in residence weekend, a Jewish Film Festival! Someone to act as liaisons from our Membership Committee to other organizations to which you belong or to the developments in which you live.

  • We need someone to organize shiva meals throughout the year. Gifts and Memorials need a volunteer to really promote this kind of activity for the shul. Also, someone to promote endowments. Revive our singles group! Get involved in our Keruv (outreach to the intermarried) program.

If you are interested in helping out, or in joining any of the committees listed below, please contact the syngagogue office.

Ad Journal - The annual Ad Journal is a wonderful way for our members to let each other know what they do and for the community's businesses to make themselves known to our congregants. This is one of our biggest fundraisers and is usually done in conjunction with our annual dinner dance. The sale of a certain amount of ads includes a ticket to the dance. This is in addition to the members' ability to reduce their dues by selling or purchasing an additional $100 worth of ads.

Adult Education - organizes classes and speakers on a host of topics.


Beautification - makes decisions concerning gifts to the synagogue of pieces of art.

Calendar - another useful fundraiser. It marks holidays and synagogue dates. Members may place ads and list birthday and anniversary dates and special greetings.

Capital Campaign - works on obtaining major donations toward capital improvements.

Committee Expo - a summer family event with food, entertainment and each Shomrei Torah Committee running an informative and fun-filled booth.

Commitment Weekend - organizes and implements a weekend just before the High Holidays to inspire and re-connect congregants to our synagogue and Judaism.

Dinner Dance - plans the annual event which honors a special member with eating, dancing and socializing.

Education - works with the Principal of the Religious School with regard to curriculum and other matters.

Finance - works out the budget and watches over the finances of the synagogue.

Friday Night Services - plans for speakers and programs for friday night services and oneg shabbats.

Fundraising - works on ways to raise funds so that the synagogue can operate successfully.

Gift Shop - allows for Judaica to be available to our members while at the same time raises money for Sisterhood.

Gifts and Memorials - arranges for and sells leaves and rocks on trees of life, memorial and honorarium plaques, etc.

Handicap Accessibility - works on ways to keep and upgrade synagogue accessibility for our handicapped members and guests.

Hazak - plans special events for those over age 55.

Hebrew High - part of the Education Committee that focuses on the Hebrew High School.

High Holiday - organizes and implements all facts of the synagogues preparations for the High Holidays.

Historian - maintains the on-ongoing history of Shomrei Torah (notices, photos, memorabilia, videos, CDs, etc.). Also helps with Wayne Day and Committee Expo.

House - keeps the synagogue and parsonage in good shape.

Israel Liaison - keeps the congregation aware of events in and needs of Israel through articles, e-mails, speakers, etc.; organizes fundraising, action events, petitions, etc.

Jews by Choice/Mixed Marriages - a support/educational group for those who have become Jews by choice or who are in mixed marriages.

Joint Service with Temple Beth Tikvah - organizes this annual joint service and, if desired, a joint Shabbat dinner.

Junior Congregation - helps make junior congregation fun, spiritual, and interesting.

Kadima - USCJ's international youth group for children in grades 6-8.

Keruv - Keruv (outreach) is a Conservative Movement program to reach out to intermarried couples.

Koach - college outreach - plans Lech Lecha Service and other special events for our college youth and delivers holiday packages to them throughout the year.

L'Chaim (L'Chaim Advertising) - work on the synagogue's newsletter as a reporter, columnist or ad solicitor.

Leadership Development - develops programs and workshops to train our leadership.

Library - maintains our library in a neat and orderly fashion.

Long Range Planning - refines our goals and designs plans on how to attain them.

Membership - works on attracting new members and retaining the old. Organizes and hosts NEW MEMBER SHABBAT, the SUMMER COMMITTEE EXPO, WAYNE DAY and works on ways to integrate new members into the congregation.

Men's Club - fun, fund-raising, consciousness raising. Organizes the Purim carnival, sets up the Sukkah, sponsors the Yellow Star Yom Hashaoah program, participates in the World Wide (tefillin) Wrap, Men's Club Shabbat,organizes the annual blood drive, Wayne Day, offers the Winter Weekend, and sponsors a host of other activities.

Meshugeneh Maccabi Games - a fun event for adults which we'd love to make a bi-annual event.

Mitzvah Corps - volunteering to visit the sick at local hospitals, conducting services at a local assisted living facility, organizing dinners for families in mourning, helping with the children when a parent is sick, providing transportation to the elderly, leading Shabbat services at an assisted living facility, etc. There is no end to the good that this committee can do.

Morning or Evening Minyanaires - helping to organize and maintain minyanim

New Year's Eve Party - we don't have it every year, but we'd like to!

Nominating - nominates candidates to the Executive Board and the Board of Trustees. Chaired by the Immediate Past President with members appointed by the President.

Oneg & Kiddush Sponsors - encourages congregants to sponsor Onegs & Kiddushim to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries,& other special events.

Operation Isaiah/Mercaz - works on projects to feed the hungry.

P.T.O. - organizes holiday events, fundraisers, and dinners for our Religious School.

Personnel - deals with staff contracts and evaluations. Members are appointed by President.

Photographer - someone to take pictures at Shomrei Torah events and gets them to the historian for our records and to the Wayne Day Committee.

President's Council - a special group of supporters to the synagogue who help keep us going with special donations.

Programming/Trips - develops programs, trips and events for the synagogue.

Publicity - prepares and distributes press releases and fliers to publicize synagogue events

Purim Schpiel (Talent Show) - hopefully bi-annually the members of the synagogue show just how much talent they have.

Raffles - part of fundraising - develops and implements ideas for raffles

Ritual - works with the Rabbi to offer ideas and proposals and to work on issues concerning ritual and holiday observance.

Saturday Mincha/Havdalah

Selichot Program - plans, organizes and promotes the annual program preceding Selichot services.

Security - this committee which is appointed by the President focuses on safety issues.

Shabbat Across America - organizes and implements this annual dinner and service with guidance from the National Jewish Outreach Program.

Shomrim - a support/outreach for those wishing to become more observant

Singles - plans and implements special programs for Jewish singles.

Sisterhood - actively involves itself in activities that enrich our congregation including: holiday dinners, providing support for Friday night's Oneg Shabbat and Saturday morning's Kiddushim, Purim baskets, Gift Cards, Sisterhood Shabbat, Gift Shop, walk-a-thons, education and social events.

Technology - maintains, enhances, and fundraisers for the technological systems in the synagogue.

Todah Rabah Shabbat - organizes and implements this annual service and dinner honoring Shomrei Torah's volunteers.

United Synagogue Youth (USY) - an international USCJ youth group for high school age students.

Ushers - serves as ushers at holiday and Shabbat services to help people find their way, maintain decorum, locate regular and large print siddurim, and generally be a helping hand.

Videographer - records synagogue events for posterity and to display at Wayne Day and the Summer Committee Expo.

Volunteer Shabbat - organizes and implements this annual service honoring our congregants who give their time and energy to other Jewish organizations.

Wayne Day - helps set up and man Shomrei Torah's booth at this annual June community event.

Wayne Interfaith Network - works on community projects with the other places of worship in Wayne.

Yizkor/High Holiday Booklets - congregants may make donations to list those they wish to remember and to send holiday wishes.

Young Couples/Families - plans and implements activities for young couples and families.

Youth Committee - supervises our three youth groups and their leaders.

Youth Leaders - leads our youth groups.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784