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High Holiday Plan Update

Although our building at 30 Hinchman Ave may be on temporary lockdown, Shomrei Torah remains open and continues to offer a full complement of worship, education and community activity through Zoom. As we develop our High Holiday plans, with Rosh Hashanah beginning Friday evening, September 18 on the secular calendar, we will build on our recent experience of providing warm and meaningful services. As Rabbi Mark has shown us, worship at a distance need not be remote.

One new challenge we face: allowing for the possibility of in-person attendance at services. My personal preference is to provide for those who choose to physically attend services in our sanctuary, but I do not underestimate the difficulties nowadays arising from organizing public gatherings. If we have such services, they must comply with all governmental health requirements and the advice we receive from other synagogue organizations.  At this moment in May, it is too soon to know if in-person attendance is possible because the regulations are still unclear. The impact of the rules seems to change daily, and September is a long way off.

Perhaps there are members who already know they will not to attend a service in the sanctuary, even if permitted. Others may strongly prefer to attend in person. Please let me know ( if you feel one of those two describes your own position.

Rest assured that in the coming weeks we will keep you updated with timely and clear communications. In the meantime, please let us know if we can help you with particular needs presented by the COVID 19 virus, such as shopping or getting around. And we will be extremely grateful if you find yourself in a position to volunteer or contribute financially to help Shomrei Torah through these novel times.
Henry Ramer,
​​​​​​​Shomrei Torah President

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784